Training for Anti Corruption Behavior Survey 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kutai Timur Regency

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Training for Anti Corruption Behavior Survey 2019

Training for Anti Corruption Behavior Survey 2019

March 5, 2019 | BPS Activities

BPS, Samarinda - In March 2019 the Anti Corruption Behavior Survey will be conducted, Kab. East Kutai was chosen as the survey sample better known as this SPAK. The purpose of SPAK is to obtain the Anti Corruption Behavior Index used by the government to see how much petty corruption is infecting the lives of Indonesian people.

Before implementing SPAK, training is carried out for officers who will carry out the enumeration, the purpose of this training is to ensure enumerators understand the concepts and definitions of each existing questionnaire and are able to use CAPI which is the data collection media to be used in this survey.
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