BPS Kutai Timur doing Survey for Result of Bureaucracy Reformation 2019 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kutai Timur Regency

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BPS Kutai Timur doing Survey for Result of Bureaucracy Reformation 2019

BPS Kutai Timur doing Survey for Result of Bureaucracy Reformation 2019

September 24, 2019 | BPS Activities

Sangatta- The Central Statistics Agency of East Kutai Regency conducted a survey of the results of the implementation of bureaucratic reform (SHPRB) in the East Kutai District Police. the implementation process began with a meeting with the Kapolres on 21 August to inform that the enumeration would take place on 22 August 2019. after the meeting, the field enumeration process could begin. there are 3 Kutim Polres services that were enumerated at this SHPRB, namely SKCK Service Unit, SIM Service Unit, and Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT). The form of enumerator is done by looking at 2 aspects, namely the opinion of service users who are facilitated by the SHPRB-Yalik questionnaire and the physical condition and service facilities by using the SHPRB-IDLOCUS questionnaire. the number of respondents surveyed was 30 divided into 3 main services so that each service contained 10 respondents. the results of the enumeration are immediately followed by an entry and validation process. It is expected that this SHPRB activity can provide accurate assessment results for indicators of the successful implementation of the Bureaucratic Reform carried out by the Ministry of PANRB.
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