Submission of Temporary Figures for Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kutai Timur Regency

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Submission of Temporary Figures for Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP)

Submission of Temporary Figures for Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP)

December 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS-Statistics of Kutai Timur Regency and the East Kutai Regency Food Security Service presented temporary figures for the 2022 East Kutai Regency Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP). This activity was carried out in the Arau Room of the East Kutai Regent's Office (20/12).

Head of BPS-Statistics of Kutai Timur Regency, Akhmad Junaidi, said that from January to November 2022, the average NTP for East Kutai was 100.10. This means that on average farmers in East Kutai experience a surplus because the price received by farmers is still greater than the price paid by farmers compared to the base year (2021).

NTP is the ratio of the price index received by farmers for agricultural production compared to the price index paid by farmers for both household consumption and agricultural production costs.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Food Security Service, Awang Amir Yusuf, said that NTP is an important part of planning for farmer welfare development.

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