July 12, 2024 | Other Activities
Hi #sobatdata, East Kutai BPS is the resource person in the Sectoral Statistics Metadata Preparation Training
The Coding Statistics Communication and Informatics Service held Training on Preparing Sectoral Statistics Metadata. The resource persons for this training came from BPS East Kutai and BPS East Kalimantan Province. This training will last for 3 days, from 9-11 July 2024 with 20 participants from 10 East Kutai OPDs.
Metadata is information about data. The data presented in the East Kutai Satu Data Portal is expected to have metadata so that users can more easily understand the information from the data, so this training is needed. From this metadata preparation training, participants gained knowledge about One Indonesian Data, Recommendations for Statistical (Romantic) activities, stages of conducting surveys and compiling administrative products, as well as knowledge about the three types of metadata, namely activity metadata, variable metadata and indicator metadata. Participants have also carried out independent practice using data from each OPD. After receiving this training, it is hoped that participants will be able to understand how to organize metadata properly and correctly.
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