The NTP for January 2021 was 116.24, an increase of 1.11 percent compared to the NTP in December 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kutai Timur Regency


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The NTP for January 2021 was 116.24, an increase of 1.11 percent compared to the NTP in December 2020

The NTP for January 2021 was 116.24, an increase of 1.11 percent compared to the NTP in December 2020Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2021
File Size : 0.64 MB


  • Kalimantan Timur Province NTP in January 2021 amounted to 116.24 or an increase of 1.11 percent compared to NTP in December 0. The increase in NTP was caused by the Price Index Received by Farmers (It), which rose higher than the Price Index Paid by Farmers (Ib).
  • NTP per sub-sector of Kalimantan Timur Province in January 2021, namely the Food Crop Farmers Exchange Rate (NTPP) of 98.38; Horticultural Farmer Exchange Rate (NTPH) of 106.74; Exchange Rate of Smallholder Plantation Crops (NTPR) of 138.35; Livestock Farmers Exchange Rate (NTPT) of 101.31; and Fishermen and Fish Cultivator Exchange Rate (NTNP) of 101.78.
  • In January 2021, there were three sub-sectors that experienced an increase in NTP, namely the food crops sub-sector (0.004), the horticulture sub-sector (1.41 percent), and the smallholder plantation sub-sector (2.39 percent). Meanwhile, two other sub-sectors experienced a decline, namely the livestock sub-sector (-1.20 percent) and the fisheries sub-sector (-0.19 percent).
  • The Exchange Rate of Agricultural Household Enterprises (NTUP) of East Kalimantan Province in January 2021 was 116.86, an increase of 0.96 percent compared to NTUP in December 2020 which was recorded at 115.74. There are two sub-sectors that have experienced an increase in NTUP, namely the horticulture sub-sector and the smallholder plantation sub-sector.
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