March 2021: Percentage of the Poor in Kalimantan Timur is 6.54 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kutai Timur Regency

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March 2021: Percentage of the Poor in Kalimantan Timur is 6.54 percent

Release Date : July 15, 2021
File Size : 0.8 MB


  • The number of poor people in  Kalimantan Timur in March 2021 is 241.77 thousand (6.54 percent). In September 2020 as many as 243.99 thousand (6.64 percent), meaning that the number of poor people in absolute terms decreased by 2.22 thousand people (percentage decreased by 0.10 percentage point).
  • During September 2020 – March 2021, the poverty line (GK) increased by 2.90 percent, from Rp. 669,622,- per capita per month in September 2020 to Rp. 689,035,- per capita per month in March 2021.
  • From the period September 2020 – March 2021, the Poverty Depth Index up from 1.031 in September 2020 to 1.223 in March 2021. The Poverty Severity Index also rise,  from 0.293 to 0.337 in the same period.
  • In March 2021, the level of inequality in population expenditure as measured by the Gini Ratio was recorded at 0.334. This figure has decreased by 0.001 when compared to the September 2020 Gini Ratio of 0.335.
  • In March 2021, the distribution of expenditure for the bottom 40 percent of the population is 20.50 percent. This means that population expenditure is still in the category of low inequality level. This figure is up by 0.17 percentage point compared to September 2020.
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