The economy of Kalimantan Timur Province in Quarter II-2021 grew 5.76 percent (y-on-y) and grew 1.87 percent (q-to-q) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kutai Timur Regency

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The economy of Kalimantan Timur Province in Quarter II-2021 grew 5.76 percent (y-on-y) and grew 1.87 percent (q-to-q)

Release Date : August 5, 2021
File Size : 0.95 MB


  • The economy of Kalimantan Timur Province in Quarter II-2021 as measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices reached Rp. 170.50 trillion and at constant prices in 2010 reached Rp. 120.86 trillion.
  • Kalimantan Timur's economy in Quarter II-2021 against Quarter II-2020 experienced an increase of 5.76 percent (y-on-y), an improvement from the achievement in Quarter II-2020 which contracted by 5.35 percent. In terms of production, the highest growth y-on-y was achieved by the Health Services and Social Activities Business Field, which grew by 17.21 percent. From the expenditure side, the highest growth occurred in the Gross Fixed Capital Formation Component of 12.41 percent.
  • Kalimantan Timur's economy in Quarter II-2021 compared to Quarter I-2021 grew by 1.87 percent (q-to-q). In terms of production, the highest growth on a q-to-q basis in Quarter II-2021 was achieved by the Government Administration, Defense and Mandatory Social Security Business Fields which grew by 15.27 percent. From the expenditure side, the highest growth occurred in the Government Consumption Expenditure Component of 60.98 percent.
  • The economy of Kalimantan Timur in Semester I-2021 compared to Semester I-2020 grew by 1.26 percent (c-to-c).
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